Topic 2 Summary #UOSM2033

The subject matter of Topic 2 was familiar to me before starting the this course but this not did stop me from wanting to learn more and I found using WordPress a marvelous way of sharing my first-hand experience with others. I hope I have shown an improvement from my first blog (especially in my use of media).

Judging by the the number of (and quality of) the comments I received on my post, I am confident that my classmates also enjoyed my post. I think that in this topic I used the comment section to much better use than in Topic 1. A particular standout was the interaction I had with Alexander Welch – who commented on my blog. He was intrigued by some data I used a ask provocative questions which led me to research the topic further after my original posting. Our communication stretched onto Twitter too, where we tweeted each other links to statistics around cyber-bullying (a focal point of my blog).

This sense of learning from each other was a nice and new way to learn and I found having Alexander’s sources and ideas sent to me via WordPress and Twitter both challenged and supported my ideas in a way which made me want to do further reading.

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